During the past two weeks over 100 adults (including middle & high school students) came to the December GIFT sessions and experienced a quiet form of prayer known as Eucharistic Adoration. It is magnificent and beautiful, but challenging, too, because we come face to face with the Real Presence of Jesus Christ – truly Jesus himself – in the form of the Eucharist (aka the Blessed Sacrament). Now, if you sometimes find it hard to be completely present to the person who’s literally sitting on the same couch and talking to you, then you can see how it would take practice to sit in a pew in the silent church and focus on Jesus who’s present in the Blessed Sacrament on the altar. If you came and tried but didn’t quite “get it”, go easy on yourself. Quieting our minds to be truly present in the moment is hard for all of us, and recognizing Jesus in the Eucharist is even more challenging. But don’t give up! The grace of our baptism helps us to persevere, and if you want it, God wants it for you all the more! Continue striving to grow closer to Jesus in new ways, especially ones that challenge you, and let’s be a community that encourages one another to become better in the ways of holiness. Experiencing new forms of prayer together and adoring our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is something we will continue to do as a parish in the new year.
Another way Jesus is present to us is through his Word, but that’s another thing that many of us avoid. Most Catholics didn’t grow up reading the Bible and we tend to think it’s either boring, difficult to understand, or a combination of both. But the truth is that Sacred Scripture is a way we can personally meet Jesus and hear him speak to us one-on-one. Nothing could be more exciting or life-giving! The key isn’t to read scripture the same way we read other text. It is not something shallow to read with our eyes and understand with our brain. It is a much deeper experience that we hear and feel with our hearts, one that enlightens us, and provides guidance for every area of our lives. It takes practice, but as we grow in discipleship and move from maintenance to mission, developing a love and understanding of Sacred Scripture will be another important step for us to focus on as a community.
Meanwhile, as you celebrate this Christmas season, seek out Jesus and spend time with him, just as the shepherds and wise men did two thousand years ago. Unplug for a few minutes here and there and practice being in silence, and consider taking out your Bible and reading Luke 2:1-20. You’re already familiar with the story of Jesus’ birth, but if you begin by asking the Holy Spirit to reveal what God may want to say to you through this scripture, there could be a new detail that will stand out, or a phrase that will have particular meaning to you this time. Reflect on it in your heart, following the example of Mary, our Blessed Mother, and praise God for what he tells you. This is how we hear his voice and come to recognize his presence with us.
Rejoice and be glad, for the Word became flesh, and He dwells among us!
Merry Christmas!